ディズニー Disney US公式商品 エプコット マットプリント アート 絵画 インテリア 装飾 紙製 厚紙 [並行輸入品] EPCOT Japan Pavilion Matted Print
●商品説明 Rather than reproduce a single Japanese region, the Japan Pavilion was designed to provide visitors with a representative sampling of a variety of traditional structures throughout the island country. Created by artist Stacey Aoyama, this print showcases the pavilion's replica five-story pagoda and torii gate. Magic in the details Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort? Artist: Stacey Aoyama Lithograph on archival paper Comes with pre-cut double mat Ready for framing The Japan Pavilion opened with EPCOT in 1982 ●仕様 Paper Matted size: 46cm(高さ) x 36cm(幅) Image Size: 38cm(高さ) x 25cm(幅) Printed in U.S.A. Produced by Cyclops Print Works Stacey Aoyama is an illustrator and designer working for Disney Consumer Products. She graduated from University of California San Diego with a degree in Visual Arts, and attended Art Center College of Design as an illustration major. Growing up in the Bay Area, her career ambitions included astronaut, ballerina, orthodontist (and more); however, her consistent passion for drawing and being creative prevailed, and she feels very lucky and humbled to be working for Disney. She currently lives in Sierra Madre, California with her husband, Eric, son, Charley, and their daughter (the snowshoe cat Ramona).
Rather than reproduce a single Japanese region, the Japan Pavilion was designed to provide visitors with a representative sampling of a variety of traditional structures throughout the island country. Created by artist Stacey Aoyama, this print showcases the pavilion's replica five-story pagoda and torii gate.
Magic in the details
Created especially for Walt Disney World Resort?
Artist: Stacey Aoyama
Lithograph on archival paper
Comes with pre-cut double mat
Ready for framing
The Japan Pavilion opened with EPCOT in 1982
Matted size: 46cm(高さ) x 36cm(幅)
Image Size: 38cm(高さ) x 25cm(幅)
Printed in U.S.A.
Produced by Cyclops Print Works
Stacey Aoyama is an illustrator and designer working for Disney Consumer Products. She graduated from University of California San Diego with a degree in Visual Arts, and attended Art Center College of Design as an illustration major. Growing up in the Bay Area, her career ambitions included astronaut, ballerina, orthodontist (and more); however, her consistent passion for drawing and being creative prevailed, and she feels very lucky and humbled to be working for Disney. She currently lives in Sierra Madre, California with her husband, Eric, son, Charley, and their daughter (the snowshoe cat Ramona).
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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