Ch・・teau Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in the Pauillac Pauillac region of the M・・doc, producing one of the most sought-after and expensive red wines in the world. Lafite Rothschild is known for its perfume, elegance, finesse and harmony, The estate began to earn its reputation as a winemaking property in the late 1600s, and in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification Lafite was ranked a first growth. The Lafite Rothschild vineyard covers around 112 hectares on sunny, well-drained sites made up of fine gravel and sand over limestone subsoil, The vineyard is divided into three parts: the vines on the hillsides around the ch・・teau provide the core material for the grand vin, while the adjacent Carruades plateau to the west is more responsible for the second wine that bears its name
Ch・・teau Lafite-Rothschild 2015/シャトー・ラフィット・ロートシルト 2015
パーカーポイント 97点!
Ch・・teau Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in the Pauillac Pauillac region of the M・・doc, producing one of the most sought-after and expensive red wines in the world. Lafite Rothschild is known for its perfume, elegance, finesse and harmony, The estate began to earn its reputation as a winemaking property in the late 1600s, and in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification Lafite was ranked a first growth.
The Lafite Rothschild vineyard covers around 112 hectares on sunny, well-drained sites made up of fine gravel and sand over limestone subsoil, The vineyard is divided into three parts: the vines on the hillsides around the ch・・teau provide the core material for the grand vin, while the adjacent Carruades plateau to the west is more responsible for the second wine that bears its name
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