CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM helps repair, restore and maintain protective skin barrier. CERAMIDES - Helps replace lipid levels in damaged skin to repair, restore, and maintain the skin's natural barrier.? Essential in preventing water loss from the skin. NIACINAMIDE - Helps the skin produce more natural ceramides and fatty acids essential for repairing and restoring the skin barrier. HYALURONIC ACID - An essential ingredient that attracts water to the top layer of the skin and ensures that the skin remains hydrated.
CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion PM helps repair, restore and maintain protective skin barrier. CERAMIDES - Helps replace lipid levels in damaged skin to repair, restore, and maintain the skin's natural barrier.? Essential in preventing water loss from the skin. NIACINAMIDE - Helps the skin produce more natural ceramides and fatty acids essential for repairing and restoring the skin barrier. HYALURONIC ACID - An essential ingredient that attracts water to the top layer of the skin and ensures that the skin remains hydrated.
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