Domaine Cecile Tremblay Morey Saint Denis Tres Girard ドメーヌ・セシル・トランブレ モレ・サン・ドニ トレ・ジラール 生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ モレ・サン・ドニ 原産地呼称:AOC. MOREY SAINT DENIS ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100% アルコール度数:13.5% 味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
vinous:(90-92) ポイント (90-92) Drinking Window 2024 - 2038 From: Dance the Quickstep: Burgundy 2020 (Dec 2021) The 2020 Morey-Saint-Denis Tres Girard has a vibrant bouquet with blackberry, cranberry and light rose petals scents, almost pastille-like in purity. The palate is medium-bodied with lush, pliant tannins matched by nigh-perfectly judged acidity. A pinch of cracked black pepper on the finish et voila...a quite delicious Morey-Saint-Denis to drink over the next 10 to 12 years. - By Neal Martin on November 2021
ワインアドヴォケイト:(89-91)+ ポイント Rating (89-91)+ Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 21st Jan 2022 Source January 2022 Week 3, The Wine Advocate The 2020 Morey-Saint-Denis Tres Girard unwinds in the glass with rich aromas of cherries, wild berries, warm spices and loamy soil. Medium to full-bodied, concentrated and muscular, it's deep and layered, with plenty of powdery tannins and lively balancing acids.
Disconcerted, like many, by the historically early harvest and the year's extreme conditions, Cecile Tremblay was initially skeptical about the potential of the 2020 vintage. Yet, as she tastes them a year later, she's coming to like them more and more. "The wines have been slow to evolve in every respect, from taking shape during cuvaison, to their pace of evolution during elevage," she adds. That's borne out by a 2020 collection that's more primary than her spectacularly sensual 2019s (wines that have fulfilled all the promise they showed in barrel, based on two that I sampled this summer) at this early stage. If 2019 was defined by textural sumptuousness and aromatic range, 2020 is quite different: impressively vibrant, prodigiously concentrated and slow to evolve, it's no easier to find analogies for the wines' stylistic profile than it is for their preternaturally saturated hue. I found them immensely promising and suspect they will number among the longest-lived wines the domaine has produced to date (and the shift to higher density Sardinian corks from Trescases several years ago now will only help). Cecile is cautious in making bold statements about this vintage just yet. But her track record in warm years-2009, 2015, 2018 and 2019-is so brilliant that I'm inclined to be less guarded and pronounce this another brilliant success for the Domaine Tremblay.
1865年、ブリニー・レ・ボーヌに創業。1990年から4代目となるパスカル・ロブレに世代交代しました。彼の祖父の代から、除草剤等の化学農薬を一切使用せず、月の運行を栽培と醸造に取り入れるなど実質的なビオディナミだったというこのドメーヌは、2003年頃、自然派ワインブームに沸くパリを皮切りに大ブレークしました。彼を有名にしたもうひとつの理由は、 やはり2003年にアンリ・ジャイエのいとこの孫に当たるセシル・トランブレーと結婚し、彼女がジャイエ家から引き継いだエシェゾー、シャペル・シャンベルタン、ヴォーヌ・ロマネ・レ・ボーモン、といった9つのアペラシオンをそのラインナップに加えたことです。
「モレ・サン・ドニ トレ・ジラール」は、モレ・サン・ドニの中でも東及び南東向き斜面にあるTres Girard区画のワイン。新樽比率35%、18ケ月樽熟成。0.5ha
Domaine Cecile Tremblay Morey Saint Denis Tres Girard
ドメーヌ・セシル・トランブレ モレ・サン・ドニ トレ・ジラール
生産地:フランス ブルゴーニュ コート・ド・ニュイ モレ・サン・ドニ
ぶどう品種:ピノ・ノワール 100%
味わい:赤ワイン 辛口 ミディアムボディ
vinous:(90-92) ポイント
(90-92) Drinking Window 2024 - 2038 From: Dance the Quickstep: Burgundy 2020 (Dec 2021)
The 2020 Morey-Saint-Denis Tres Girard has a vibrant bouquet with blackberry, cranberry and light rose petals scents, almost pastille-like in purity. The palate is medium-bodied with lush, pliant tannins matched by nigh-perfectly judged acidity. A pinch of cracked black pepper on the finish et voila...a quite delicious Morey-Saint-Denis to drink over the next 10 to 12 years. - By Neal Martin on November 2021
ワインアドヴォケイト:(89-91)+ ポイント
Rating (89-91)+ Release Price NA Drink Date NA Reviewed by William Kelley Issue Date 21st Jan 2022 Source January 2022 Week 3, The Wine Advocate
The 2020 Morey-Saint-Denis Tres Girard unwinds in the glass with rich aromas of cherries, wild berries, warm spices and loamy soil. Medium to full-bodied, concentrated and muscular, it's deep and layered, with plenty of powdery tannins and lively balancing acids.
Disconcerted, like many, by the historically early harvest and the year's extreme conditions, Cecile Tremblay was initially skeptical about the potential of the 2020 vintage. Yet, as she tastes them a year later, she's coming to like them more and more. "The wines have been slow to evolve in every respect, from taking shape during cuvaison, to their pace of evolution during elevage," she adds. That's borne out by a 2020 collection that's more primary than her spectacularly sensual 2019s (wines that have fulfilled all the promise they showed in barrel, based on two that I sampled this summer) at this early stage. If 2019 was defined by textural sumptuousness and aromatic range, 2020 is quite different: impressively vibrant, prodigiously concentrated and slow to evolve, it's no easier to find analogies for the wines' stylistic profile than it is for their preternaturally saturated hue. I found them immensely promising and suspect they will number among the longest-lived wines the domaine has produced to date (and the shift to higher density Sardinian corks from Trescases several years ago now will only help). Cecile is cautious in making bold statements about this vintage just yet. But her track record in warm years-2009, 2015, 2018 and 2019-is so brilliant that I'm inclined to be less guarded and pronounce this another brilliant success for the Domaine Tremblay.
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ラ プティット マルキーズ 2019 サンジュリアン 750ml 6本入り【5,000円以上送料無料】【ケース品】|酒のやまや 店
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【送料無料】ボルゴーニョ バローロ リゼルヴァ 2003 赤ワイン ネッビオーロ イタリア 750ml|トスカニー イタリアワイン専門店
DRCラ・ターシュ 2009|シャトー・トーキョー
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