【おすすめ】CHATEAU MONTROSE 1983 / シャトー モンローズ 1983:Fine and Rare

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CHATEAU MONTROSE 1983 / シャトー モンローズ 1983 .
A heather hill overlooking the Gironde was cleared and planted in 1778 thanks to ・・tienne Th・・odore Dumoulin, who had inherited from his father the property previously bought in from the S・・gur family. He built a castle there, the vineyard reaches 50 hectares in 1850, It is at this time that the castle takes its current name, referring to the colors of the hill during flowering..
Blend : Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc & Petit Verdot.
Wine Score : 94/100
75cl x 12 1
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残り 1 245,000円

(167 ポイント還元!)

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お届け日: 08月17日〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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