新しい到着SPARK EXHAUST スパーク マフラー EURO 4 DAKAR SLIP-ON with connecting pipe for HIGH lateral mounting Tenere700 YAMAHA ヤマハ:ウェビック 店
■納期状況をご確認ください■商品概要 MATERIALS AVAILABLE:Titanium DESCRIPTION DAKAR Euro4 silencer with connection for HIGH side passage WEIGHT (KG) SPARK 2.5 kg vs STOCK 4.6 kg COMPATIBLE MODELS Yamaha Tenere 700 (19-21) APPROVAL Available Original Sound:91 dB (4500 rpm) Spark sound 91 dB (4500 rpm) with dBK 92.2 dB (4500 rpm) no dBK■詳細説明 Yamaha Tenere 700. a versatile bike for every kind of road: on andoff road. For the iconic bike from Japan. Spark offers the Euro 4homologated DAKAR silencer and the catalyst eliminator to becombined with Spark slip-on or the original silencer. Starting (GYA1601) from the latest materials and technologies. theslip-on design recalls the timeless charm of the desert rally icon DAKAR . The main features are extreme lightness and performance:50%less weight than the original and a notable performance increaseof + 3hp from 9000 to 9500 rpm. Such features go together the fullcompliance with the Euro4 Regulation. homologation is issued by theItalian Ministry after many sound level and dyno tests.■注意点 【JMCA未認証】 ※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。 ※車検の適合に関しては保障致しかねます。 ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は、英語となります。 ※公道走行不可 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種 Tenere700 Tenere700 年式: 19-24■商品番号 GYA1602TOM
DAKAR Euro4 silencer with connection for HIGH side passage
SPARK 2.5 kg vs STOCK 4.6 kg
Yamaha Tenere 700 (19-21)
Original Sound:91 dB (4500 rpm)
Spark sound
91 dB (4500 rpm) with dBK
92.2 dB (4500 rpm) no dBK■詳細説明
Yamaha Tenere 700. a versatile bike for every kind of road: on andoff road. For the iconic bike from Japan. Spark offers the Euro 4homologated DAKAR silencer and the catalyst eliminator to becombined with Spark slip-on or the original silencer.
Starting (GYA1601) from the latest materials and technologies. theslip-on design recalls the timeless charm of the desert rally icon DAKAR . The main features are extreme lightness and performance:50%less weight than the original and a notable performance increaseof + 3hp from 9000 to 9500 rpm. Such features go together the fullcompliance with the Euro4 Regulation. homologation is issued by theItalian Ministry after many sound level and dyno tests.■注意点
Tenere700 年式: 19-24■商品番号