原題 : Ralph Vaughan Williams : Concerto for oboe and strings 編成・種類 : オーボエ、ピアノ 出版社 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (オックスフォード出版) 出版番号 : 0-19-369231-7 ISBN : 9780193692312 内容紹介レイフ ■ヴォーン ■ウィリアムス : 協奏曲 コンチェルト (オーボエ、ピアノ) オックスフォード出版出版社 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (オックスフォード出版)出版番号 : 0-19-369231-7ISBN : 9780193692312原題 : Ralph Vaughan Williams : Concerto for oboe and strings編成 ■種類 : オーボエ、ピアノ著者についてRalph Vaughan Williams, born in Gloucestershire on 12 October 1872, read History at Cambridge and went to the Royal College of Music where his teachers were Parry, Wood, and Stanford. Vaughan Williams believed in the value of music education and wrote practical competition pieces, serviceable church music, and with the 49th Parallel (1940-41) he found a new outlet in writing for film. His profoundly disturbing Symphony No.6 (1948) received international acclaim with more than a hundred performances in a little over two years. His great sensitivity to the 20th-century human condition, his flexibility in writing for all levels of music making, and his unquestionably great imagination combine to make him one of the key figures in 20th century music. Ralph Vaughan Williams had a long association with Oxford University Press; over 200 publications are available in the Oxford catalogue.
原題 : Ralph Vaughan Williams : Concerto for oboe and strings
編成・種類 : オーボエ、ピアノ
出版社 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (オックスフォード出版)
出版番号 : 0-19-369231-7
ISBN : 9780193692312
■ウィリアムス : 協奏曲 コンチェルト (オーボエ、ピアノ) オックスフォード出版出版社 : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (オックスフォード出版)出版番号 : 0-19-369231-7ISBN : 9780193692312原題 : Ralph Vaughan Williams : Concerto for oboe and strings編成
■種類 : オーボエ、ピアノ著者についてRalph Vaughan Williams, born in Gloucestershire on 12 October 1872, read History at Cambridge and went to the Royal College of Music where his teachers were Parry, Wood, and Stanford. Vaughan Williams believed in the value of music education and wrote practical competition pieces, serviceable church music, and with the 49th Parallel (1940-41) he found a new outlet in writing for film. His profoundly disturbing Symphony No.6 (1948) received international acclaim with more than a hundred performances in a little over two years. His great sensitivity to the 20th-century human condition, his flexibility in writing for all levels of music making, and his unquestionably great imagination combine to make him one of the key figures in 20th century music. Ralph Vaughan Williams had a long association with Oxford University Press; over 200 publications are available in the Oxford catalogue.
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