Much more tightly knit, structured, and built for the long haul is the 2013 Proprietary Red, which is a 600-case blend of 71% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9% Malbec, 8% Petit Verdot, 7% Cabernet Franc and 5% Merlot. The ceiling on this wine is probably higher than the 2012, but it needs another 2-4 years of bottle age. Opaque purple in color, with hints of white chocolate, black truffle, sweet creme de cassis and blackberry fruit as well as a touch of wood smoke, this wine has great richness, an extraordinary, singular personality, and a fabulous finish of close to 50+ seconds. Kudos to the Chang family and winemaker Sam Kaplan for turning out two profound wines from Pritchard Hill. Look for the 2013 to hit its prime in 5-6 years and last for three decades or more. (223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
Nine Suns
Proprietary Red?Houyi Vineyard?
Much more tightly knit, structured, and built for the long haul is the 2013 Proprietary Red, which is a 600-case blend of 71% Cabernet Sauvignon, 9% Malbec, 8% Petit Verdot, 7% Cabernet Franc and 5% Merlot. The ceiling on this wine is probably higher than the 2012, but it needs another 2-4 years of bottle age. Opaque purple in color, with hints of white chocolate, black truffle, sweet creme de cassis and blackberry fruit as well as a touch of wood smoke, this wine has great richness, an extraordinary, singular personality, and a fabulous finish of close to 50+ seconds. Kudos to the Chang family and winemaker Sam Kaplan for turning out two profound wines from Pritchard Hill. Look for the 2013 to hit its prime in 5-6 years and last for three decades or more.
(223, The Wine Advocate 4th Mar 2016)
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