パーカーポイント: 95点 予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2023 Next to the 2016 I also tasted the 2015 Viola that is from a warmer and dryer year and a final blend of 87% Carmenere and 13% Cabernet Franc. This is slightly higher in Cabernet Franc to provide some extra freshness. I was very pleasantly surprised at how the 2015s kept very good freshness, considering it was a very warm and dry year. But as Ricardo Rivadeneira told me, they were able to harvest early with good ripeness and without seeing any drop in acidity. The fermentation and aging was similar to the 2016 - fermented with selected yeasts and matured in French oak barrels for 24 months. This is also 13.5% alcohol. It's very expressive in aromas, with lots of aromatic herbs, spicy and without any green aromas. The palate is very harmonious, with tannins that are round and soft and give it a velvety texture. It's juicy and elegant, without any earthiness or rusticity. This is remarkable and transcends the conditions of the vintage. 15,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in July 2018. (Issue 247 End of February 2020, The Wine Advocate, 29th Feb 2020)
Viola 2015
Vina Maquis
予想される飲み頃:2020 - 2023
Next to the 2016 I also tasted the 2015 Viola that is from a warmer and dryer year and a final blend of 87% Carmenere and 13% Cabernet Franc. This is slightly higher in Cabernet Franc to provide some extra freshness. I was very pleasantly surprised at how the 2015s kept very good freshness, considering it was a very warm and dry year. But as Ricardo Rivadeneira told me, they were able to harvest early with good ripeness and without seeing any drop in acidity. The fermentation and aging was similar to the 2016 - fermented with selected yeasts and matured in French oak barrels for 24 months. This is also 13.5% alcohol. It's very expressive in aromas, with lots of aromatic herbs, spicy and without any green aromas. The palate is very harmonious, with tannins that are round and soft and give it a velvety texture. It's juicy and elegant, without any earthiness or rusticity. This is remarkable and transcends the conditions of the vintage. 15,000 bottles produced. It was bottled in July 2018.
(Issue 247 End of February 2020, The Wine Advocate, 29th Feb 2020)
ヴィーニャ マキ
Vina Maquis
ヴィーニャ マキ 一覧へ
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