上品【最安値】Georges Mugneret Gibourg Clos de Vougeot 2006 / ジョルジュ ミュニュレ ジブール クロ ド ヴージョ 2006|Fine and Rare
Georges Mugneret Gibourg Clos de Vougeot 2006 / ジョルジュ ミュニュレ ジブール クロ ド ヴージョ 2006
This vineyard of 50 hectares covers almost the entire Vougeot appellation area and is undoubtedly the largest Grand Cru vineyard in Burgundy, It is located on gentle slopes and has the particularity of being also composed of several climates. it is not easy to determine a specific typicality or to identify the specificities of each clos. What brings them together, however, is their intense raspberry red to deep garnet color, has sweetened their floral bouquet with aromas of blackberry, raspberry, wild mint, even truffle. Varieties : Pinot Noir Wine Score : 95/100 75cl
Georges Mugneret Gibourg Clos de Vougeot 2006 / ジョルジュ ミュニュレ ジブール クロ ド ヴージョ 2006
This vineyard of 50 hectares covers almost the entire Vougeot appellation area and is undoubtedly the largest Grand Cru vineyard in Burgundy, It is located on gentle slopes and has the particularity of being also composed of several climates.
it is not easy to determine a specific typicality or to identify the specificities of each clos. What brings them together, however, is their intense raspberry red to deep garnet color, has sweetened their floral bouquet with aromas of blackberry, raspberry, wild mint, even truffle.
Varieties : Pinot Noir
Wine Score : 95/100
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clos de la roche vieilles vignes ponsot 2001 / クロ ド ラ ロッシュ ヴィエイユ ヴィーニュ ポンソ 2001|Fine and Rare
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Clos de vougeot Domaine meo-camuzet 1995 / クロ ド ヴージョ ドメーヌ メオ カミュゼ 1995|Fine and Rare
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【送料無料】ワイン 赤ワイン《ドメーヌ・ポンソ / モレ・サン・ドニ プルミエ・クリュ キュヴェ・デ・ザルエット 2005年》フランス ギフト お祝い おすすめ パーティー 定番|Firadis WINE CLUB 店
ドミニオ・デ・アタウタ ラ・ロサ [2013]750ml 木箱入り (赤ワイン)|ウメムラ Wine Cellar