【商品名】 Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX* XR Impact Wrench, Cordless Kit, 1/2-Inch Mid-Range and 3/8-Inch Compact, 2-Tool (DCK205P1) DEWALT 20V MAX* XR Impactレンチ、コードレスキット、1/2インチミッドレンジ、3/8インチコンパクト、2ツール(DCK205P1) 【カテゴリー】Power Impact Wrenches(パワーインパクトレンチ) : DEWALT 【商品説明】 ・Premium XR 2-kit includes a DCF894 1/2 in. Mid-Range Impact Wrench and DCF890 3/8 in. Compact Impact Wrench ・DCF894: Up to 330 ft-lbs max of fastening torque and 600 ft-lbs of break away torque at only 3.48lbs ・DCF894: Compact and lightweight design for comfort when working in tight spaces ・DCF894: Prevent over-tightening and run-off with Precision Wrench Control ・DCF890: Compact and ergonomic with only 5.5" head length and 2 lbs (tool only)
Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX* XR Impact Wrench, Cordless Kit, 1/2-Inch Mid-Range and 3/8-Inch Compact, 2-Tool (DCK205P1)
DEWALT 20V MAX* XR Impactレンチ、コードレスキット、1/2インチミッドレンジ、3/8インチコンパクト、2ツール(DCK205P1)
【カテゴリー】Power Impact Wrenches(パワーインパクトレンチ) : DEWALT
・Premium XR 2-kit includes a DCF894 1/2 in. Mid-Range Impact Wrench and DCF890 3/8 in. Compact Impact Wrench
・DCF894: Up to 330 ft-lbs max of fastening torque and 600 ft-lbs of break away torque at only 3.48lbs
・DCF894: Compact and lightweight design for comfort when working in tight spaces
・DCF894: Prevent over-tightening and run-off with Precision Wrench Control
・DCF890: Compact and ergonomic with only 5.5" head length and 2 lbs (tool only)
■SK 超硬シャンク付ピンゲージ 単体 TAG9.87MM(2351189)[送料別途見積り][法人・事業所限定][掲外取寄]:ファーストFACTORY
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