The 2006 Bourgogne is strikingly opulent and texturally silken. With a pit fruit and heady floral nose that puts one in mind a bit of Condrieu, its nectarine and persimmon are allied on the palate with low-toned, chalky, carnal, illusive and intriguing flavors. If this were orchestral music, it would be without the violins. As a white Burgundy from Chardonnay, this hauntingly long wine is definitely in a category of its own. (180, The Wine Advocate)
▶ コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエ シャンボール・ミュジニー
▶ コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエ シャンボール・ミュジニー レ・ザムルーズ
▶ コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエ ミュジニー ヴィエイユ・ヴィーニュ
▶ コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエ ブルゴーニュ・ブラン
▶ コント・ジョルジュ・ド・ヴォギュエ マール・ド・ブルゴーニュ
Comte Georges de Vogue
Bourgogne Blanc
パーカーポイント: (91-92)点
The 2006 Bourgogne is strikingly opulent and texturally silken. With a pit fruit and heady floral nose that puts one in mind a bit of Condrieu, its nectarine and persimmon are allied on the palate with low-toned, chalky, carnal, illusive and intriguing flavors. If this were orchestral music, it would be without the violins. As a white Burgundy from Chardonnay, this hauntingly long wine is definitely in a category of its own.
(180, The Wine Advocate)
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