Dark grey GRAY灰色・グレイ heather ヘザー/black 黒・ブラック/Scarlet
Breathable. Cushioned. Odor-resistant. What more could you want from your running socks Sold in packs of three pairs the adidas climacool Superlite Stripe Low-Cut Socks deliver all three making them the perfect choice for runners tackling any mileage and every speed. Breathable climacool fabric wicks away sweat while odor-resistant technology keeps feet feeling fresh. Half-cushioned footbed for additional cushioning and durability. Low-cut design. Sold in packs of three pairs. 58% polyester/40% cotton/2% spandex. Imported.
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Dark grey GRAY灰色・グレイ heather ヘザー/black 黒・ブラック/Scarlet
Breathable. Cushioned. Odor-resistant. What more could you want from your running socks Sold in packs of three pairs the adidas climacool Superlite Stripe Low-Cut Socks deliver all three making them the perfect choice for runners tackling any mileage and every speed. Breathable climacool fabric wicks away sweat while odor-resistant technology keeps feet feeling fresh. Half-cushioned footbed for additional cushioning and durability. Low-cut design. Sold in packs of three pairs. 58% polyester/40% cotton/2% spandex. Imported.
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