The set contains all necessary templates for plate outline, rib-form outline, neck (scroll) template, f-hole template including the f-hole position and an outer corner form for detailed control on corner details.
Herdim Instrument Templates Authentic outline templates of respected classical patterns are carefully derived from reliable original sources. The selection of the patterns respects contemporary requirements, the patterns are chosen to have a correct both body and scale length.
*Classical patterns made of stainless steel * Comprehensive sets of templates for construction of instruments * Patterns selected with respect to contemporary dimension requirements
16, Viola Guadagnini 1798
Herdim Outline Templates, 5-Piece Set
Herdim Outline Templates, 5-Piece Set,
Viola 16,
Guadagnini 1798
Authentic outline templates of respected classical patterns are carefully derived from reliable original sources. The selection of the patterns respects contemporary requirements, the patterns are chosen to have a correct both body and scale length.
* Comprehensive sets of templates for construction of instruments
* Patterns selected with respect to contemporary dimension requirements
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