■納期状況をご確認ください Color:SATINはこちら Color:BLACKはこちら■商品概要 【仕様】 ・E3認定イタリア(2006/120/EC)付き排ガス「プロシリーズ」 ・使用技術:ハイドロフォーミング ・ケース:厚さ0.5/0.8mmの特殊ステンレス ・可変断面円錐形グレープショット ・高吸音素材を使用 ・取り外し可能なDBキラー ・ステンレス鋼製の緊密なリベット ・ブラックカラーロゴ彫りカラーレーザー ・重量990g(DBキラーなし)■詳細説明 Single hydroform homologated (directive 97/24/CE-2006/120/CE cap.9) silencer in low position + link pipe slip-on for original collectors 【HYDROFORM】 The material is molded, all resistance is overcome, and the excitement takes shape. HYDROFORM is not only the name of a new line of exhausts, it is something that goes beyond the rules to get where, until now, only the imagination had dared to go. Hydroforming is an incredibly sophisticated technology that utilizes highly pressurized fluid to form metal by injecting it into a blank tube, encased in two die-halves, causing it to expand into the shape of the die mold. That is how we managed to get a variable form that is seamless, with an incredible volume. With a record lightweight, incredibly low thickness and mechanical rigidity, the end result is a sinuous, uniquely exciting product, that provides a seamless flow of exhaust gases. The exhausts from the HYDROFORM line are born to equip the most beautiful, naked, sport and hyper-sport motorbikes existing at the market. With HYDROFORM the sound, the charm, and the power will never be the same again.■注意点 【JMCA未認証】 ※JMCA未認証のマフラーは車検・公道走行に適さない場合がございます。 ※車検の適合に関しては保障致しかねます。 ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。 ※公道走行不可。 ※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。■適合車種 SPEED TRIPLE SPEED TRIPLE 年式: 11-13 ■商品番号 TRHY1003-NN-AB
Single hydroform homologated (directive 97/24/CE-2006/120/CE cap.9) silencer in low position + link pipe slip-on for original collectors
The material is molded, all resistance is overcome, and the excitement takes shape. HYDROFORM is not only the name of a new line of exhausts, it is something that goes beyond the rules to get where, until now, only the imagination had dared to go. Hydroforming is an incredibly sophisticated technology that utilizes highly pressurized fluid to form metal by injecting it into a blank tube, encased in two die-halves, causing it to expand into the shape of the die mold. That is how we managed to get a variable form that is seamless, with an incredible volume. With a record lightweight, incredibly low thickness and mechanical rigidity, the end result is a sinuous, uniquely exciting product, that provides a seamless flow of exhaust gases. The exhausts from the HYDROFORM line are born to equip the most beautiful, naked, sport and hyper-sport motorbikes existing at the market. With HYDROFORM the sound, the charm, and the power will never be the same again.■注意点
SPEED TRIPLE 年式: 11-13 ■商品番号
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