From the Sonoma Coast, the 2011 Pinot Noir Hirsch Vineyard offers classic Pommard-like notes of red apple skins, earth and black cherries. There is always a masculinity to this cuvee, and the 2011 is earthy, firm, tannic, rustic and beefy in a good sense. This medium-bodied Pinot will benefit from 1-2 years of cellaring, and should keep for a decade. (210, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2013)
Williams Selyem
Pinot Noir Hirsch Vineyard
予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2024
From the Sonoma Coast, the 2011 Pinot Noir Hirsch Vineyard offers classic Pommard-like notes of red apple skins, earth and black cherries. There is always a masculinity to this cuvee, and the 2011 is earthy, firm, tannic, rustic and beefy in a good sense. This medium-bodied Pinot will benefit from 1-2 years of cellaring, and should keep for a decade.
(210, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2013)
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