通販パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 チェイス パトカー 警察 おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き ポリスカー Paw Patrol Chase’s Patrol Cruiser Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up|i-selection
パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 チェイス パトカー 警察 おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き ポリスカー Paw Patrol Chase’s Patrol Cruiser Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
Paw Patrol
Paw Patrol Chase’s Patrol Cruiser Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
9.9 × 22.6 × 17.3
・POLICE CRUISER TOY CAR: Chase is on the case in his Patrol Cruiser! With authentic detailing and working wheels, this police cruiser is ready to take on exciting rescue missions! ・COLLECTIBLE CHASE FIGURE: This police cruiser includes a collectible Chase figure. Wearing his signature police uniform, Chase is ready to save the day! ・CREATIVE PLAY: The PAW Patrol are on a roll! Kids can explore their imaginations as they create all kinds of fun and exciting rescue missions for their favorite pup and vehicle! ・Chase’s Patrol Cruiser makes a great gift for kids aged 3 and up. Bring the excitement of the hit TV show into your home with the PAW Patrol pups and their vehicles! ・Includes: 1 Chase Figure, 1 Patrol Cruiser Vehicle
パウパトロール 犬のレスキュー隊 チェイス パトカー 警察 おもちゃ 知育玩具 ベーシックビークル フィギュア付き ポリスカー Paw Patrol Chase’s Patrol Cruiser Vehicle with Collectible Figure, for Kids Aged 3 and Up
・COLLECTIBLE CHASE FIGURE: This police cruiser includes a collectible Chase figure. Wearing his signature police uniform, Chase is ready to save the day!
・CREATIVE PLAY: The PAW Patrol are on a roll! Kids can explore their imaginations as they create all kinds of fun and exciting rescue missions for their favorite pup and vehicle!
・Chase’s Patrol Cruiser makes a great gift for kids aged 3 and up. Bring the excitement of the hit TV show into your home with the PAW Patrol pups and their vehicles!
・Includes: 1 Chase Figure, 1 Patrol Cruiser Vehicle
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