●スケール:1:18 ダイキャストモデル●メーカー:ACME●キャロル・シェルビーによりチューンされたGT350R モデルは、わずか34台のみ生産された。 まさに、シェルビーのオリジンであり、精神的な柱でもあるモデル。34台の多くは、モーターレースで活躍するモデルとなります。There were only 34 GT350R models built, and they are the heart and soul of the Shelby Mustang lineage. They dominated SCCA racing in their first season and obliterated other models from the American Road Racing Championship for the next three years. This particular car was delivered to Jack Loftus Ford and was then bought by Dick Jordan. Dick raced the car into the early 70’s where it was then parked in storage until 1986. This car is a rare unmolested piece of history . ACME is proud to release this beautiful 1965 Shelby GT350R. Place your orders today to ensure your copy of this fantastic piece of American racing history.
トヨタ特注 1/18 トヨタ ランドクルーザー プラド ホワイト 150 ランクル Toyota Land Cruiser Prado|Reowide モデルカー カタログ SHOP
●スケール:1:18 ダイキャストモデル●メーカー:ACME●キャロル・シェルビーによりチューンされたGT350R モデルは、わずか34台のみ生産された。 まさに、シェルビーのオリジンであり、精神的な柱でもあるモデル。34台の多くは、モーターレースで活躍するモデルとなります。There were only 34 GT350R models built, and they are the heart and soul of the Shelby Mustang lineage. They dominated SCCA racing in their first season and obliterated other models from the American Road Racing Championship for the next three years. This particular car was delivered to Jack Loftus Ford and was then bought by Dick Jordan. Dick raced the car into the early 70’s where it was then parked in storage until 1986. This car is a rare unmolested piece of history . ACME is proud to release this beautiful 1965 Shelby GT350R. Place your orders today to ensure your copy of this fantastic piece of American racing history.
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