Pierre Damoy Chambertin 1992 / ピエール ダモワ シャンベルタン 1992
The Clos de B・・ze has a long known history dating back to the 8th century, as that of the Chambertin is little known, if not unknown before the 17th century, It is said that a certain Bertin owned a field near the Clos de B・・ze, Its notoriety is established because the wine of Burgundy, especially that of C・・te de Nuits, then ceases to be conceived in claret wine. Then Claude Jobert de Chambertin - 1701-1768, 'de Chambertin' is a title he sought and obtained - undoubtedly contributes to building the reputation of the Chambertin. In the 19th century, Le Chambertin blanc occupies a third of the climate; whites and reds have also cohabited for a long time. Varieties : Pinot Noir Wine Score : 97/100 75cl
Pierre Damoy Chambertin 1992 / ピエール ダモワ シャンベルタン 1992
The Clos de B・・ze has a long known history dating back to the 8th century, as that of the Chambertin is little known, if not unknown before the 17th century, It is said that a certain Bertin owned a field near the Clos de B・・ze, Its notoriety is established because the wine of Burgundy, especially that of C・・te de Nuits, then ceases to be conceived in claret wine.
Then Claude Jobert de Chambertin - 1701-1768,
'de Chambertin' is a title he sought and obtained - undoubtedly contributes to building the reputation of the Chambertin.
In the 19th century, Le Chambertin blanc occupies a third of the climate; whites and reds have also cohabited for a long time.
Varieties : Pinot Noir
Wine Score : 97/100
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