容量:750ml アドヴォケイト99点「The nose of the 2020 White Bones Chardonnay is an explosion of thyme and rockrose, aromatic, open, expressive, outspoken, showy and exuberant. It also has notes of white flowers and citrus, pine needles and incense, continuously developing new layers, curry, something smoky, more and more aromatic herbs, nuanced, complex and with a magnetic attraction that makes you go back to the glass over and over again. This was harvested all at the same time, whereas it was sometimes harvested over four different moments in the past; so this is a bit different and an extraordinary year for this wine, transcending the conditions of the year, with lower alcohol and pH (12.5% and 3.1) than the 2021, despite coming from a warmer year. This is very tasty and long, stony (more than White Stones!) and very persistent. Amazing juice! 5,760 bottles produced.」 ジェームスサックリン99点「 Fascinating nose of white lavender, lemon, pineapple, green apple, thyme, rosemary, sourdough, almond and oyster shell. It’s medium-bodied with vibrant acidity and a tense, spicy palate. So much flavor and fragrance. Incredibly expressive, with evolving layers of fresh fruit, spices, flowers and herbs. Drink or hold.」 ※ラベルに少し汚れがある商品がございます。
アドヴォケイト99点「The nose of the 2020 White Bones Chardonnay is an explosion of thyme and rockrose, aromatic, open, expressive, outspoken, showy and exuberant. It also has notes of white flowers and citrus, pine needles and incense, continuously developing new layers, curry, something smoky, more and more aromatic herbs, nuanced, complex and with a magnetic attraction that makes you go back to the glass over and over again. This was harvested all at the same time, whereas it was sometimes harvested over four different moments in the past; so this is a bit different and an extraordinary year for this wine, transcending the conditions of the year, with lower alcohol and pH (12.5% and 3.1) than the 2021, despite coming from a warmer year. This is very tasty and long, stony (more than White Stones!) and very persistent. Amazing juice! 5,760 bottles produced.」
ジェームスサックリン99点「 Fascinating nose of white lavender, lemon, pineapple, green apple, thyme, rosemary, sourdough, almond and oyster shell. It’s medium-bodied with vibrant acidity and a tense, spicy palate. So much flavor and fragrance. Incredibly expressive, with evolving layers of fresh fruit, spices, flowers and herbs. Drink or hold.」
[4本まとめ買い] プイイ フュメ クロ ド ショードゥ 2015年 セルジュ ダグノー エ フィーユ フランス 白ワイン 辛口 フランスワイン ロワール フランス白ワイン ソーヴィニヨン ブラン 750ml|Narlu
ドメーヌ エチエンヌ ソゼ ピュリニー モンラッシェ プルミエ クリュ レ ルフェール 2018 750ml 白ワイン シャルドネ フランス ブルゴーニュ|酒類の総合専門店 フェリシティー
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ドメーヌ・コアペ、カンテサンス・デュ・プティ・マンサン 2014 ジュランソン甘口 375ml|田中屋さんどっと混む
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コルトン シャルルマーニュ グラン クリュ 特級 2016 自然派ビオ AB認定 ドメーヌ シルヴァン ロワシェ 白ワイン ワイン 辛口 750mlCorton Charlemagne [2016] Domaine SYLVAIN LOICHET AOC Corton Charlemagne|愛あるしんちゃんショップ
【フランスワイン】【赤ワイン】ポール・ジャブレ・エネ コルナス レ・ グランド・テラス 2020[フルボディ]|ワインブティックヴァンヴァン
[2020] シャサーニュ モンラッシェ 1er Cru レ ボーディーヌ 750ml 白 辛口 ドメーヌ トマ モレ リアルワインガイド93+/94+|お酒の総合館・シマヤ酒店
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