巻いてねじって結束。必要な分だけ取り出して、カットできる。作業に適した仕様になっています。 ●結束用品 ●結束用ひも ●カッター付 ●鉄線入りワンタッチつづりひも ●色:ブルー ●ひも寸法:幅4mm×長20m ●材質:白なまし鉄線0.39mm、4mm幅ポリ塩化ビニル被覆 I wind it up, and a screw unites. I take it out as much as it is necessary and can cut it. It becomes the specifications suitable for work. ●Unity article ●String for the unity ●With cutter ●One-touch spelling restrictions with iron wire ●A color: Blue ●String dimensions: 4mm in width X long 20m ●Materials: Better iron wire 0.39mm that is white, 4mm width polyvinyl chloride coating
I wind it up, and a screw unites. I take it out as much as it is necessary and can cut it. It becomes the specifications suitable for work.
●Unity article
●String for the unity
●With cutter
●One-touch spelling restrictions with iron wire
●A color: Blue
●String dimensions: 4mm in width X long 20m
●Materials: Better iron wire 0.39mm that is white, 4mm width polyvinyl chloride coating
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