人気良品ルシアン ル モワンヌ ポマール プルミエ クリュ レ ゼプノ 2010 Lucien le Moine Pommard Les Epenots フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
ルシアン・ル・モワンヌ Lucien le Moine
ポマール レ・ゼプノ Pommard Les Epenots
パーカーポイント: (89 - 91)点 予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2025
Moving over to the reds, the 2010 Pommard 1er Cru Les Epenots offers a fragrant, gentle bouquet of brambly red and black fruit that lift nicely from the glass. The palate offers impressive weight in the mouth, a prickle of CO2 just at the moment, but there is good tension and vibrancy in the slight tart, bitter cherry finish. It just needs to develop a little more persistency after bottling and I think it will. Drink 2014-2025. (208, The Wine Advocate 29th Aug 2013)
メッソリオ レ マッキオーレ 2003 750ml 14% MESSORIO Le Macchiole【L1】【中古】|ストックラボ
Lucien le Moine
Pommard Les Epenots
予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2025
Moving over to the reds, the 2010 Pommard 1er Cru Les Epenots offers a fragrant, gentle bouquet of brambly red and black fruit that lift nicely from the glass. The palate offers impressive weight in the mouth, a prickle of CO2 just at the moment, but there is good tension and vibrancy in the slight tart, bitter cherry finish. It just needs to develop a little more persistency after bottling and I think it will. Drink 2014-2025.
(208, The Wine Advocate 29th Aug 2013)
メッソリオ レ マッキオーレ 2003 750ml 14% MESSORIO Le Macchiole【L1】【中古】|ストックラボ
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