The 2009 Richebourg towers with its imposing stature and regal, aristocratic personality. It is an inward, cool wine laced with gorgeous dark red fruit. Today, the Richebourg is very much closed in on itself, but it should be a jewel of a wine once it starts to blossom in bottle. That could very well take over a decade. 2022-2039. (0911, The Wine Advocate 30th Sep 2011)
Lucien Le Moine
The 2009 Richebourg towers with its imposing stature and regal, aristocratic personality. It is an inward, cool wine laced with gorgeous dark red fruit. Today, the Richebourg is very much closed in on itself, but it should be a jewel of a wine once it starts to blossom in bottle. That could very well take over a decade. 2022-2039.
(0911, The Wine Advocate 30th Sep 2011)
ルシアン ル モワンヌ リシュブール グラン クリュ 2009 Lucien le Moine Richebourg フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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