A characteristic: I can just put a transparency film label to be able to put it, and to be able to tear off neatly neatly because I shut out air bubbles in specially processing it! Dehydration is early, and a photograph and an illustration, the small letter make prints clearly as I am not blurred. Product specifications: ◆Thickness: 0.27mm ◆ number containing: 5 sheet ◆ no cut ◆Materials: Polyester film
A characteristic:
I can just put a transparency film label to be able to put it, and to be able to tear off neatly neatly because I shut out air bubbles in specially processing it! Dehydration is early, and a photograph and an illustration, the small letter make prints clearly as I am not blurred.
Product specifications:
◆Thickness: 0.27mm ◆ number containing: 5 sheet ◆ no cut
◆Materials: Polyester film
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