It is a popular small carrier safe master key to open and close. Boasts a large capacity while saving space. Compact and lightweight. -Dark grey-in size: s-wall plate with-one-touch opening lever, cylinder lock with-dimensions: width 300 x depth 240 x height 80 mm-internal dimensions: width 277 x d 203 x 60 mm-weight: 2. 2 kg Jan:4977564169312 ? Body weight (kg):2.2 ◆ more interior width (mm): 257 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 308 ◆ pieces exterior height (mm): 89 ? pieces weight (kg):2.396
It is a popular small carrier safe master key to open and close. Boasts a large capacity while saving space. Compact and lightweight. -Dark grey-in size: s-wall plate with-one-touch opening lever, cylinder lock with-dimensions: width 300 x depth 240 x height 80 mm-internal dimensions: width 277 x d 203 x 60 mm-weight: 2. 2 kg
? Body weight (kg):2.2 ◆ more interior width (mm): 257 ◆ pieces exterior depth (mm): 308 ◆ pieces exterior height (mm): 89 ? pieces weight (kg):2.396
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カール事務器 キャッシュボックス A5 ブルー:西新オレンジストア