パーカーポイント: 89点 予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2020 Served from an ex-chateau bottle. The 1991 Chateau d’Yquem was actually not affected by the frosts like everywhere else in Bordeaux, damaging 30% of the vines, predicating a two-track ripening cycle. This was not too much of a problem to overcome since bunches are picked one by one. Picking commenced on September 19, with half the crop being picked over five days between October 21 and 25 after a spell of intermittent showers. It has a lighter color than the 1995. The nose displays moderate intensity with light waxy scents that would benefit from more vigor. The palate is well-balanced but there is a distinct sense of the wine being a little one-dimensional and it is missing some tension, especially toward the finish. Although this is a commendable Sauternes, there is a bitterness and a slight rawness that cannot be ignored. Still, it deserves a light applause considering the growing season. Drink now-2020. Tasted March 2014. (213, The Wine Advocate, 26th Jun 2014)
Chateau d'Yquem
予想される飲み頃:2014 - 2020
Served from an ex-chateau bottle. The 1991 Chateau d’Yquem was actually not affected by the frosts like everywhere else in Bordeaux, damaging 30% of the vines, predicating a two-track ripening cycle. This was not too much of a problem to overcome since bunches are picked one by one. Picking commenced on September 19, with half the crop being picked over five days between October 21 and 25 after a spell of intermittent showers. It has a lighter color than the 1995. The nose displays moderate intensity with light waxy scents that would benefit from more vigor. The palate is well-balanced but there is a distinct sense of the wine being a little one-dimensional and it is missing some tension, especially toward the finish. Although this is a commendable Sauternes, there is a bitterness and a slight rawness that cannot be ignored. Still, it deserves a light applause considering the growing season. Drink now-2020. Tasted March 2014.
(213, The Wine Advocate, 26th Jun 2014)
シャトー ディケム
Chateau d'Yquem
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