海外並行輸入正規品【取寄せ】 ディズニー Disney US公式商品 ミレニアムファルコン スターウォーズ 腕時計 時計 シチズン 大人用 大人 [並行輸入品] Millennium Falcon Eco-Drive Watch for Adults by Citizen ? Star Wars グッズ ストア プレゼント ギフト クリスマス 誕生日 人気|ビーマジカル店
ディズニー Disney US公式商品 ミレニアムファルコン スターウォーズ 腕時計 時計 シチズン 大人用 大人 [並行輸入品] Millennium Falcon Eco-Drive Watch for Adults by Citizen ? Star Wars
>【スター・ウォーズ Star Wars】を探す<
●商品説明 With every detail, the Millennium Falcon timepiece by Citizen is a tribute to the iconic starship. The stainless steel case encompasses a recreation of the cockpit against a silver-tone dial. The cockpit windows illustrate hyperdrive, complete with a luminous print. Bright navy blue hands and a crocodile-embossed leather strap lend color to the chronograph, which also features 12/24 -hour time and date. This galactic inspired timepiece comes in a special Star Wars-themed case. ●詳細 Citizen Eco-Drive technology converts any source of light (natural and artificial) into usable energy. This harnessed energy is then stored in a special power reserve to keep your watch charged and running properly. When fully charged, your Citizen Eco-Drive will continue running?even in total darkness?for at least six months. Properly maintained it will never need another battery. Stainless steel case Crocodile leather strap Dial design features recreation of Millennium Falcon cockpit with windows depicting the ship going into hyperdrive Navy blue hands The case back is etched with Han Solo silhouette Three-hand movement with date function 1/5 second Chronograph measures up to 60 minutes Water resistant: 100M Impact?and shatter resistant mineral crystal Includes special Star Wars?| Citizen presentation case Citizen limited five-year warranty ●仕様 Watch case: stainless steel Bracelet: leather Case size: 44mm Band length: 254mm Lug: 24mm Made in the U.S.A
With every detail, the Millennium Falcon timepiece by Citizen is a tribute to the iconic starship. The stainless steel case encompasses a recreation of the cockpit against a silver-tone dial. The cockpit windows illustrate hyperdrive, complete with a luminous print. Bright navy blue hands and a crocodile-embossed leather strap lend color to the chronograph, which also features 12/24 -hour time and date. This galactic inspired timepiece comes in a special Star Wars-themed case.
Citizen Eco-Drive technology converts any source of light (natural and artificial) into usable energy. This harnessed energy is then stored in a special power reserve to keep your watch charged and running properly. When fully charged, your Citizen Eco-Drive will continue running?even in total darkness?for at least six months. Properly maintained it will never need another battery.
Stainless steel case
Crocodile leather strap
Dial design features recreation of Millennium Falcon cockpit with windows depicting the ship going into hyperdrive
Navy blue hands
The case back is etched with Han Solo silhouette
Three-hand movement with date function
1/5 second Chronograph measures up to 60 minutes
Water resistant: 100M
Impact?and shatter resistant mineral crystal
Includes special Star Wars?| Citizen presentation case
Citizen limited five-year warranty
Watch case: stainless steel
Bracelet: leather
Case size: 44mm
Band length: 254mm
Lug: 24mm
Made in the U.S.A
シチズンのミレニアム・ファルコン ウォッチは、細部に至るまで、象徴的な宇宙船へのオマージュが込められています。ステンレススティール製のケースには、シルバートーンの文字盤を背景にコックピットが再現されています。コックピットの窓にはハイパードライブが描かれ、夜光塗料が塗布されています。鮮やかなネイビーブルーの針とクロコダイル型押しのレザーストラップが、12時間/24時間表示と日付表示を備えたクロノグラフに彩りを添えています。この銀河系にインスパイアされたタイムピースは、スター・ウォーズをテーマにした特別なケースに収められています。
・お届け時期: 2-4週間後
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