パーカーポイント: 91+点 予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2022 This is this publication's first review for Vistamare, which has been produced since 2009. The 2017 Vistamare is a blend of 45% Vermentino, 40% Viognier and 15% Fiano. The Vermentino and Fiano are fermented in stainless steel, while the Viognier goes into wood - some with lees aging and some not, to avoid it being too heavy and fat. The vines are shaded, thanks to the leafy canopy (with a view of the sea in Bibbona, hence the name "vistamare"), to keep the fruit cool and to preserve the acidity. The 2017 vintage shows concentrated freshness with Mediterranean notes of mint and sage. (The Wine Advocate, May 17, 2019)
Ca'Marcanda Vistamare
Ca'Marcanda Vistamare
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2022
This is this publication's first review for Vistamare, which has been produced since 2009. The 2017 Vistamare is a blend of 45% Vermentino, 40% Viognier and 15% Fiano. The Vermentino and Fiano are fermented in stainless steel, while the Viognier goes into wood - some with lees aging and some not, to avoid it being too heavy and fat. The vines are shaded, thanks to the leafy canopy (with a view of the sea in Bibbona, hence the name "vistamare"), to keep the fruit cool and to preserve the acidity. The 2017 vintage shows concentrated freshness with Mediterranean notes of mint and sage.
(The Wine Advocate, May 17, 2019)
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