人気100%Hurricane Racing ハリケーンレーシング Mesh Air Filter T-Max YAMAHA ヤマハ Material:Stainless steel Air Filter:ウェビック 店
■納期状況をご確認ください Material:Cotton Air Filterはこちら Material:Stainless steel Air Filterはこちら■他の選択肢は下記となります 他の選択肢はこちら Material:Stainless steel Air Filterはこちら ※リンク先に商品がない場合、すでに完売している商品となります。予めご了承ください。■詳細説明 Hurricane With the high airflow filter helps maximize the engine performance. HURRICANE SUPERBIKE AIR FILTER break through the limit of air filter. Increase horsepower,increase torque,better acceleration and quick response. HURRICANE introduced the Dry Flow Technology that eliminate the oil coating process which cause the mass air flow sensor to be false functioning. Feel the new experience of power and control from your riding. he New HURRICANE? Superbike Air Filter. The Best Big Bike Air Filters to Produce Outstanding Performance From the most experienced manufacturer of air filters now comes the latest most efficient air filter for your high end motorcycle engines-HURRICANE? Superbike Air FilterTM. With over 20 years of experience in the field,HURRICANE? has researched and developed the best air filter for your vehicle to provide the perfect balance of filtration and air flow, allows your bike to increase its performance enormously allowing you to love your bike even more.■注意点 ※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。 ※取り扱い説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。 ※画像はイメージです。■適合車種 T-Max T-Max 年式: 12-17 ■商品番号 HM-8124-C-T-Max
Material:Cotton Air Filterはこちら
Material:Stainless steel Air Filterはこちら■他の選択肢は下記となります
Material:Stainless steel Air Filterはこちら
Hurricane With the high airflow filter helps maximize the engine performance.
HURRICANE SUPERBIKE AIR FILTER break through the limit of air filter.
Increase horsepower,increase torque,better acceleration and quick response.
HURRICANE introduced the Dry Flow Technology that eliminate the oil coating process which cause the mass air flow sensor to be false functioning.
Feel the new experience of power and control from your riding.
he New HURRICANE? Superbike Air Filter.
The Best Big Bike Air Filters to Produce Outstanding Performance
From the most experienced manufacturer of air filters now comes the latest most efficient air filter for your high end motorcycle engines-HURRICANE? Superbike Air FilterTM.
With over 20 years of experience in the field,HURRICANE? has researched and developed the best air filter for your vehicle to provide the perfect balance of filtration and air flow,
allows your bike to increase its performance enormously allowing you to love your bike even more.■注意点
T-Max 年式: 12-17 ■商品番号
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