■Brand:GUCCI ■Series:Interlocking G ■Name:SV Kihei Chain ■Condition:Used ■Rank:B rank/Excellent+ ■Model:678661 ■Weight:20.2g ■Size:Length: approx. 50 cm ■Accessories:None ■Color: silver ■Exterior condition:FaintScuffs,Stains,metal fitting scratch ■Overall condition:A normal second-hand product with scratches, dirt, and a feeling of use. ■please note:Please note that as we also sell this product in our physical store, there may be scratches or dirt,Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual ■Specification:Golmette chain design with interlocking G motifInterlocking G pendant with enamel finishclasp closure ■Shop:Shinjyuku ■Item Number:22014318
■ブランド:GUCCI グッチ
■商品名:SV 喜平チェーン
■サイズ:長さ:約50 cm
■カラー: シルバー
■仕様:インターロッキングG モチーフ付き ゴルメットチェーン デザインエナメル仕上げのインターロッキングG ペンダントクラスプ クロージャー
■Series:Interlocking G
■Name:SV Kihei Chain
■Rank:B rank/Excellent+
■Size:Length: approx. 50 cm
■Color: silver
■Exterior condition:FaintScuffs,Stains,metal fitting scratch
■Overall condition:A normal second-hand product with scratches, dirt, and a feeling of use.
■please note:Please note that as we also sell this product in our physical store, there may be scratches or dirt,Please note that depending on your PC environment, the colors may appear different from the actual
■Specification:Golmette chain design with interlocking G motifInterlocking G pendant with enamel finishclasp closure
■Item Number:22014318
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