超格安価格モルレ ラ プロポーション ドーレ 2014 マグナム 1500ml Morlet Family La Proportion Doree アメリカ カリフォルニア 白ワイン|KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
「モレ ファミリー」一覧はこちら
モレ【モルレ】 Morlet Family
ラ・プロポーション・ドーレ La Proportion Doree
パーカーポイント:100点 予想される飲み頃:2016-2026
A perfect wine is the 2014 La Proportion Doree, a blend of 65% Semillon, 24% Sauvignon Blanc and 1% Muscadelle. This 650-case cuvee is from 29-year-old, dry farmed vines and was barrel-fermented. The wine is absolutely out of this world. With a light greenish gold color and a killer nose of lanolin, caramelized citrus, honeysuckle, orange marmalade and candle wax, the wine displays great acidity, a magnificent, massive, full-bodied mouthfeel, and seems to come across like a Sonoma County version of a dry Haut Brion blanc. This is singular wine - profound, compelling, whatever! It should drink well for at least 10 years, if you can resist its early charms. (222, The Wine Advocate 31st Dec 2015)
「モレ ファミリー」一覧はこちら
Morlet Family
La Proportion Doree
A perfect wine is the 2014 La Proportion Doree, a blend of 65% Semillon, 24% Sauvignon Blanc and 1% Muscadelle. This 650-case cuvee is from 29-year-old, dry farmed vines and was barrel-fermented. The wine is absolutely out of this world. With a light greenish gold color and a killer nose of lanolin, caramelized citrus, honeysuckle, orange marmalade and candle wax, the wine displays great acidity, a magnificent, massive, full-bodied mouthfeel, and seems to come across like a Sonoma County version of a dry Haut Brion blanc. This is singular wine - profound, compelling, whatever! It should drink well for at least 10 years, if you can resist its early charms.
(222, The Wine Advocate 31st Dec 2015)
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