Premium wet food for cats that are difficult to manage their weight.[To maintain your ideal weight]Formulated with rich dietary fiber to maintain a sense of fullness and support for your ideal weight by 19% reduction in calorie intake (*Calorie content: 69 kcal per 3.5 oz (100 g).(To maintain a supple figure)The ideal protein content helps maintain a supple figure.(Considering the Health of the Urinary System)Adjust the nutritional balance such as minerals to keep urine weak acid.
◆商品名:ロイヤルカナン FHN-WET ウルトラライト 猫用 85g 12個入り×2ケース (合計 24個)
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12個入り×2ケース (合計 24個)
Premium wet food for cats that are difficult to manage their weight.[To maintain your ideal weight]Formulated with rich dietary fiber to maintain a sense of fullness and support for your ideal weight by 19% reduction in calorie intake (*Calorie content: 69 kcal per 3.5 oz (100 g).(To maintain a supple figure)The ideal protein content helps maintain a supple figure.(Considering the Health of the Urinary System)Adjust the nutritional balance such as minerals to keep urine weak acid.
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