パーカーポイント: (90 - 92)点 予想される飲み頃:NA The 2018 Blanc de Lynch Bages is showing a little reduction, opening out to notions of warm peaches, passion fruit and gooseberries plus suggestions of honeysuckle, coriander seed and chalk dust. Medium-bodied, the palate is completely filled with tropical and citrus flavors plus a racy backbone, finishing long with a touch of chalkiness. (April 2019 Week 4 - Bordeaux 2018, The Wine Advocate, 24th Apr 2019)
Blanc de Lynch Bages
Chateau Lynch Bages
Blanc de Lynch Bages
The 2018 Blanc de Lynch Bages is showing a little reduction, opening out to notions of warm peaches, passion fruit and gooseberries plus suggestions of honeysuckle, coriander seed and chalk dust. Medium-bodied, the palate is completely filled with tropical and citrus flavors plus a racy backbone, finishing long with a touch of chalkiness.
(April 2019 Week 4 - Bordeaux 2018, The Wine Advocate, 24th Apr 2019)
シャトー ランシュ バージュ
Chateau Lynch Bages
シャトー ランシュ バージュ 一覧へ
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