パーカーポイント: (92 - 93)点 予想される飲み頃:NA The 2005 Volnay Champans was another wine part of which Lafon racked to tank so as to encourage completion of malo, after which that portion went back to barrel in early January. Two thirds of his half a hectare in Champans is planted with 85 year-old vines. Typically for this site, the nose is generous with mushroom and forest floor, but there is also a wealth of flowers and of blackberry and strawberry fruit, which follow onto the palate in a briskly-concentrated form. Beef and mushroom stock, wet stone, moss, and wood smoke anchor the lower-range of this complex Volnay, wine beautifully 2005 in its combination of freshness of fruit yet darkly-hued, walk-in-the-forest personality. I would plan on 7-10 years in the cellar. (171, The Wine Advocate 29th Jun 2007)
Comtes Lafon
Volnay Champans
The 2005 Volnay Champans was another wine part of which Lafon racked to tank so as to encourage completion of malo, after which that portion went back to barrel in early January. Two thirds of his half a hectare in Champans is planted with 85 year-old vines. Typically for this site, the nose is generous with mushroom and forest floor, but there is also a wealth of flowers and of blackberry and strawberry fruit, which follow onto the palate in a briskly-concentrated form. Beef and mushroom stock, wet stone, moss, and wood smoke anchor the lower-range of this complex Volnay, wine beautifully 2005 in its combination of freshness of fruit yet darkly-hued, walk-in-the-forest personality. I would plan on 7-10 years in the cellar.
(171, The Wine Advocate 29th Jun 2007)
コント ラフォン
Comtes Lafon
コント ラフォン 一覧へ
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