■納期状況をご確認ください 右側はこちら 左側はこちら■詳細説明 Frame made of steel treated with an opaque black epoxy powder finish. Designed on the Ducati Scrambler chassis it integrates perfectly with the rest of the bike. Ready to accommodate our quick, beautiful and minimal hooking system even when the bag is not mounted. It can be used comfortably with the passenger on board. NB: Compatible with Ducati Scrambler 1100 versions. The frame has been designed for our bags. Unit Garage assumes no responsibility for inappropriate use. In order to offer you the best, we constantly improve our products in detail. The images could refer to a previous version. In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details. The images may refer to a previous version.■注意点 ※海外輸入品のため、説明書が付属する場合、外国語の説明書となります。 ※輸入商材の為、商品によっては納期が遅れるケースがございます。あらかじめご了承ください。■適合車種 Scrambler 1100 Scrambler 1100 ■商品番号 1010DX
PELICAN 小型ケース Go Case G40 アンスラサイト/業務用/新品/小物送料対象商品:厨房器具と店舗用品のTENPOS
Frame made of steel treated with an opaque black epoxy powder finish.
Designed on the Ducati Scrambler chassis it integrates perfectly with the rest of the bike.
Ready to accommodate our quick, beautiful and minimal hooking system even when the bag is not mounted.
It can be used comfortably with the passenger on board.
NB: Compatible with Ducati Scrambler 1100 versions.
The frame has been designed for our bags. Unit Garage assumes no responsibility for inappropriate use.
In order to offer you the best, we constantly improve our products in detail. The images could refer to a previous version.
In order to offer you the best we constantly improve our product details. The images may refer to a previous version.■注意点
Scrambler 1100
Scrambler 1100 ■商品番号
PELICAN 小型ケース Go Case G40 アンスラサイト/業務用/新品/小物送料対象商品:厨房器具と店舗用品のTENPOS
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