パーカーポイント: 96点 予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2049 The average June temperature for 2003 was the warmest ever recorded at Yquem since they installed their first weather station in 1896. And things were only just starting to heat up. This notoriously hot vintage nonetheless produced some very pleasant Bordeaux surprises, Yquem being one. As readers can guess, obtaining the necessary sugar levels was not the problem this year. If it was a question of sugar alone, berries could well have been harvested in August. But come September, the wait was on for the botrytis. Fortunately, a little rain beginning on the 5th of September kick-started proceedings, and with the help of continued warm temperatures, the noble rot took off like a rocket! After this, frenetic harvesting and strict selection ensued. Harvest was over in a record nine days, resulting in a super rich, concentrated and full botrytized expression that beautifully does justice to both the vintage and to Yquem. (Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate, 31st Aug 2019)
Chateau d'Yquem
予想される飲み頃:2019 - 2049
The average June temperature for 2003 was the warmest ever recorded at Yquem since they installed their first weather station in 1896. And things were only just starting to heat up. This notoriously hot vintage nonetheless produced some very pleasant Bordeaux surprises, Yquem being one. As readers can guess, obtaining the necessary sugar levels was not the problem this year. If it was a question of sugar alone, berries could well have been harvested in August. But come September, the wait was on for the botrytis. Fortunately, a little rain beginning on the 5th of September kick-started proceedings, and with the help of continued warm temperatures, the noble rot took off like a rocket! After this, frenetic harvesting and strict selection ensued. Harvest was over in a record nine days, resulting in a super rich, concentrated and full botrytized expression that beautifully does justice to both the vintage and to Yquem.
(Issue 244 End of August 2019, The Wine Advocate, 31st Aug 2019)
シャトー ディケム
Chateau d'Yquem
シャトー・ディケムは、世界で最も有名な甘口ワインであり、間違いなく最高級のワインです。完全に貴腐化した果実のみが収穫され、収量は非常に少なく、1本のブドウの木からはグラス1杯分のワインしか生産されません。 驚くほどの複雑さ、豊かさ、エキゾチックな風味があり、50年以上の熟成の可能性を持つグレートヴィンテージも存在します。
シャトー ディケム一覧へ
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シャトー ディケム 2005 イケム Chateau d'Yquem フランス ボルドー 白ワイン 新入荷|ロマネ ROMANEE
[3本まとめ買い] コルトン・シャルルマーニュ 2018年 ドメーヌ・シルヴァン・ロワシェ フランス 白ワイン 辛口 フランスワイン ブルゴーニュ フランス白ワイン シャルドネ 750ml|Narlu
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Château Rieussec 2008 / シャトー リューセック 2008|Fine and Rare
シャトー ディケム 1998 ハーフ 375ml イケム Chateau d'Yquem フランス ボルドー 白ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
オーベール シャルドネ パウダー ハウス エステート ヴィンヤード 2019 マグナム 1500ml 生産者蔵出し Aubert Chardonnay Powder House Estate Vineyard アメリカ カリフォルニア 白ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
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DRC MONTRACHET 1988 / DRC モンラッシェ 1988|Fine and Rare
バタール モンラッシェ グラン クリュ 2015 正規品ルシアン ル モワンヌ 白ワイン 辛口 750mlLucien Le MoineBatard Montrachet Grand Cru 2015|代官山ワインサロン Le・Luxe