■Denis Bachelet ドゥニ バシュレ Domaine Denis Bachelet Gevrey Chambertin V.V. 赤ワイン 750ml [AOC]ジュヴレ シャンベルタン [評 価]90-92点 The 2013 Gevrey-Chambertin Village Vieilles Vignes has another broody bouquet cut from the same cloth as the C・・tes de Nuits: brambly black fruit mixed with woodland, almost wet sand aromas. These aromatics take you down into the earth instead of up into the air. The palate is medium-bodied with supple, sorbet-fresh red cherry and boysenberry fruit. This is full of energy, full of vim and vigour with a harmonious finish that delivers a touch of bitter lemon that lends it edge. Superb. 216 (Part 2), The Wine Advocate(2nd Jan 2015) [輸入元のコメント] デレ、シルヴィー、ジュスティス、ジュヌ・ロワからなる村名ジュヴレ・シャンベルタン。このワインも樹齢80年になるヴィエイユ・ヴィーニュである。房も実も小さく、自然に凝縮したワインが生まれる。これぞジュヴレというがっしりしたストラクチャーだが、完熟した果実味がタンニンをオブラートのように包み込み、喉越しは滑らか。
赤ワイン 750ml
[AOC]ジュヴレ シャンベルタン
[評 価]90-92点
The 2013 Gevrey-Chambertin Village Vieilles Vignes has another broody bouquet cut from the same cloth as the C・・tes de Nuits: brambly black fruit mixed with woodland, almost wet sand aromas. These aromatics take you down into the earth instead of up into the air. The palate is medium-bodied with supple, sorbet-fresh red cherry and boysenberry fruit. This is full of energy, full of vim and vigour with a harmonious finish that delivers a touch of bitter lemon that lends it edge. Superb.
216 (Part 2), The Wine Advocate(2nd Jan 2015)
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