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CUSTOM (custom) oxygen saturation meter Papic and pulse oximetry (Pearl Pink) PLS-01P
I can measure oxygen saturation of the blood
● I put it on the finger of the hand and can measure oxygen saturation of the blood. ● The color organic electroluminescence display which it is easy to look at with a bruise. ● A direction of the indication is available. The adjustment of the brightness is possible, too. ● I will tell you by a sound. I inform it by a sound if I exceed the price that oxygen saturation or pulse rate input beforehand. It is the function that is convenient for self-administration. ● Prevention of fall and with neck strap easy to carry around.
★ Specifications ★
[model number] PLS-01P [color] Pearl pink [Bluetooth function] - [general name] a pulse oximeter [sale name] Oxygen saturation meter [medical equipment certification number] 228AFBZX00033000 [medical equipment class classification] a specific maintenance managed care apparatus (class II) [target age] use impossibility (support approximately 10-20mm in diameter in diameter of the finger) lower than an infant [oxygen saturation (SpO2)] the measurement range: 35% - 100%, resolving power: 1%, accuracy: ±2% (70% <= SpO2 <= 100%) [pulse rate (PR)] the measurement range: 25bpm - 250bpm, resolving power: 1bpm, accuracy: ± 2bpm [use environment temperature-humidity] +5-+40 degree Celsius, 15 - 80%RH (but not having the dew condensation) [storage environment temperature] -10 - +50 degree Celsius (not having the dew condensation without but including a battery) [power supply] *2 single tetramorphism battery [dimensions] About W62 X H32 X D37mm [weight] Approximately 43 g (I include a battery) [accessories] Attached document, instruction manual, neck strap, storage case, single 4 form battery *2 (for the trial) [form of the protection for the electric shock] an internal power supply apparatus [degree of the protection for the electric shock] a BF form wearing department [class of the protection for the invasion of the water] IPX2 ● 手の指に挟んで、血液の酸素飽和度がはかれます。 ● あざやかで見やすいカラー有機ELディスプレイ。 ● 表示の向きが選べます。明るさの調整も可能です。 ● 音でお知らせします。酸素飽和度または脈拍数が予め入力した値を超えたら、音で知らせます。自己管理に便利な機能です。 ● 落下防止と携帯に便利なネックストラップ付。
【Product description in English】
CUSTOM (custom) oxygen saturation meter Papic and pulse oximetry (Pearl Pink) PLS-01P
I can measure oxygen saturation of the blood
● I put it on the finger of the hand and can measure oxygen saturation of the blood.
● The color organic electroluminescence display which it is easy to look at with a bruise.
● A direction of the indication is available. The adjustment of the brightness is possible, too.
● I will tell you by a sound. I inform it by a sound if I exceed the price that oxygen saturation or pulse rate input beforehand. It is the function that is convenient for self-administration.
● Prevention of fall and with neck strap easy to carry around.
★ Specifications ★
[model number] PLS-01P
[color] Pearl pink
[Bluetooth function] -
[general name] a pulse oximeter
[sale name] Oxygen saturation meter
[medical equipment certification number] 228AFBZX00033000
[medical equipment class classification] a specific maintenance managed care apparatus (class II)
[target age] use impossibility (support approximately 10-20mm in diameter in diameter of the finger) lower than an infant
[oxygen saturation (SpO2)] the measurement range: 35% - 100%, resolving power: 1%, accuracy: ±2% (70% <= SpO2 <= 100%)
[pulse rate (PR)] the measurement range: 25bpm - 250bpm, resolving power: 1bpm, accuracy: ± 2bpm
[use environment temperature-humidity] +5-+40 degree Celsius, 15 - 80%RH (but not having the dew condensation)
[storage environment temperature] -10 - +50 degree Celsius (not having the dew condensation without but including a battery)
[power supply] *2 single tetramorphism battery
[dimensions] About W62 X H32 X D37mm
[weight] Approximately 43 g (I include a battery)
[accessories] Attached document, instruction manual, neck strap, storage case, single 4 form battery *2 (for the trial)
[form of the protection for the electric shock] an internal power supply apparatus
[degree of the protection for the electric shock] a BF form wearing department
[class of the protection for the invasion of the water] IPX2
● 手の指に挟んで、血液の酸素飽和度がはかれます。
● あざやかで見やすいカラー有機ELディスプレイ。
● 表示の向きが選べます。明るさの調整も可能です。
● 音でお知らせします。酸素飽和度または脈拍数が予め入力した値を超えたら、音で知らせます。自己管理に便利な機能です。
● 落下防止と携帯に便利なネックストラップ付。
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