好評レゴスターウォーズARC- 170スターファイターLEGO Star Wars ARC-170 Starfighter (8088)|ワールドセレクトショップ
【商品名】 レゴスターウォーズARC- 170スターファイターLEGO Star Wars ARC-170 Starfighter (8088) 【カテゴリー】ホビー:ブロック 【商品説明】 Droid forces beware ? the ARC-170 starfighter has arrived. Built with the latest in Republic technology, this Clone Wars fighter-bomber carries a crew of clone pilots and Jedi Master Kit Fisto into battle anywhere the enemy strikes. Turn the gear on the back to open and close the S-foil attack wings, then push it to launch auto-firing flick missiles. Includes 2 Clone Pilots, Kit Fisto and Astromech Droid. 輸入品.
レゴスターウォーズARC- 170スターファイターLEGO Star Wars ARC-170 Starfighter (8088)
Droid forces beware ? the ARC-170 starfighter has arrived. Built with the latest in Republic technology, this Clone Wars fighter-bomber carries a crew of clone pilots and Jedi Master Kit Fisto into battle anywhere the enemy strikes. Turn the gear on the back to open and close the S-foil attack wings, then push it to launch auto-firing flick missiles. Includes 2 Clone Pilots, Kit Fisto and Astromech Droid.
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