なめらかな書き味の超・低摩擦のジェットストリームにシャープペンが付いた多機能ペン。●複合筆記具●シャープ芯径:0.5mm●ボール径:0.7mm●軸色:緑●インク色:油性/黒・赤●本体長:144.8mm●軸径:12.2mm●ボールペン替芯:SXR8007 Others It is equipped with low ink of the writing frictional resistance! Slip smoothly; write it, and is taste. The jet stream ink deployment of the super low friction. ●Sharp core diameter: 0.5mm ●ball diameter: A 0.7mm ●axis color: A green ●ink color: Oiliness / black, red ●body head: 143.7mm ●axle diameter: 12.2mm ●ball-point pen extra lead: SXR8007 JAN: 4902778022283 ◆Body weight (kg): 0.011 ◆ 個装幅 (mm): 12 ◆ 個装奥行 (mm): It is 16 ◆ 個装高 (mm): 144 ◆ 個装重量 (kg): 0.012
It is equipped with low ink of the writing frictional resistance! Slip smoothly; write it, and is taste. The jet stream ink deployment of the super low friction. ●Sharp core diameter: 0.5mm ●ball diameter: A 0.7mm ●axis color: A green ●ink color: Oiliness / black, red ●body head: 143.7mm ●axle diameter: 12.2mm ●ball-point pen extra lead: SXR8007
JAN: 4902778022283
◆Body weight (kg): 0.011 ◆ 個装幅 (mm): 12 ◆ 個装奥行 (mm): It is 16 ◆ 個装高 (mm): 144 ◆ 個装重量 (kg): 0.012
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