The 2013 Pinot Noir Joli Coeur is what Luc Morlet calls Athe sweet spot@ of his Coteaux Nobles Vineyard. The berries tend to size up smaller and the clusters weigh less. This has an extra gear in it, so to speak, and displays plenty of black and red currant fruits, some rose petals and other floral notes, forest floor, a full-bodied mouthfeel, terrific texture, and remarkable richness and purity. This stunner will age well for 10-15 years. (222, The Wine Advocate 31st Dec 2015)
「モレ ファミリー」一覧はこちら
Morlet Family
Pinot Noir Joli Coeur
予想される飲み頃:2016 - 2031
The 2013 Pinot Noir Joli Coeur is what Luc Morlet calls Athe sweet spot@ of his Coteaux Nobles Vineyard. The berries tend to size up smaller and the clusters weigh less. This has an extra gear in it, so to speak, and displays plenty of black and red currant fruits, some rose petals and other floral notes, forest floor, a full-bodied mouthfeel, terrific texture, and remarkable richness and purity. This stunner will age well for 10-15 years.
(222, The Wine Advocate 31st Dec 2015)
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11/15限定!エントリーでポイント最大32.5倍! ワイン 赤ワイン Clos Du Val クロ デュ ヴァル ナパヴァレー カベルネ ソーヴィニヨン 2019【正規輸入品】※沖縄・離島は別途送料|フジコーポレーション
ロベール シリュグ ヴォーヌ ロマネ 2019 正規品 ヴォーヌロマネ Robert Sirugue Vosne Romanee フランス ブルゴーニュ 赤ワイン|ロマネ ROMANEE
ダラ・ヴァレ・マヤ [1991]750ml|ウメムラ Wine Cellar
エミリオ モロ マレオルス デュ サンチョマルティン 2010 ボデガス エミリオ モロ 赤ワイン ワイン 辛口 フルボディ 750ml (エミリオ モロ)MALLEOLUS de SANCHO MARTIN [2010] Bodegas Emilio Moro (Tinto Fino 100%) (D.O. Ribera del Duero)【eu_ff】|うきうきワインの玉手箱
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