超人気の【outlet】Bacchus / BTE-2-RSM/M BBD ヘッド裏傷【横浜店】|Geek IN Box
Bacchus is a Japanese brand based in Nagano, Japan. The brand is under the umbrella of Divisor, which owns a large guitar factory called Asuka Factory, and the high quality of the guitars produced by the factory itself is highly regarded by many musicians. Bacchus has several series in different price ranges, but the Universe series pursues particularly high cost performance. This model is a Telecaster model with a loasted maple neck. Roasted maple is originally a Finnish technique, pioneered by the Kansai brand Sago in terms of its use in musical instruments. The wood is treated at high temperatures to volatilise moisture and increase rigidity. Naturally, wood that has been distorted during this treatment is not used. The result is a high quality product in two ways. The sound is well-proven, and in a good way, it feels less like a new instrument. It has a wide range and warm nuances, which makes the sound juicy and happy. This is an outlet item due to scratches on the back of the head. Text by Shunsuke Saga. Ships in a sturdy cardboard box. Will be packed with hard cardboard box. Will be packed with hard cardboard box. We do ship internationally. Contact Info Contact Info LINE : vwj2699r WeChat : s_saga email : [email protected] tel : 045 548 6661Bacchus is a Japanese brand based in Nagano, Japan.The brand is under the umbrella of Divisor, which owns a large guitar factory called Asuka Factory, and the high quality of the guitars produced by the factory itself is highly regarded by many musicians.Bacchus has several series in different price ranges, but the Universe series pursues particularly high cost performance.This model is a Telecaster model with a loasted maple neck.Roasted maple is originally a Finnish technique, pioneered by the Kansai brand Sago in terms of its use in musical instruments.The wood is treated at high temperatures to volatilise moisture and increase rigidity. Naturally, wood that has been distorted during this treatment is not used.The result is a high quality product in two ways.The sound is well-proven, and in a good way, it feels less like a new instrument.It has a wide range and warm nuances, which makes the sound juicy and happy.This is an outlet item due to scratches on the back of the head.Text by Shunsuke Saga.Ships in a sturdy cardboard box.Will be packed with hard cardboard box.Will be packed with hard cardboard box.We do ship internationally.Contact InfoContact InfoLINE : vwj2699rWeChat : s_sagaemail : [email protected] : 045 548 6661
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Fender / 2023 MIJ Traditional 60s Telecaster Rosewood FB Olympic White Blue Competition Stripe PG-10アンプ付属エレキギター初心者セット《+4582600680067》《高音質!BOSSケーブルプレゼント!/+4957054217099》|イシバシ楽器 WEB SHOP
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SCHECTER AR-06 (Vintage White/Rosewood) 【旧定価お買い得プライス!】|イケベ楽器 イケシブ
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