【今が買い時!】Herdim Peg Shaper Violin Small #730101 分数バイオリン用ペグシェイパー:S|底値楽器屋
Herdim Peg Shapers Violin, Small ・・ 6 x 4.3 / 6.5 x 4.8 / 7 x 5.3 / 7.5 x 5.8 mm Made in Germany
Made in Germany We offer seven different models, each with a range of peg hole sizes, allowing them to cover the whole spectrum of peg sizes. The brass bodies are fitted with double-sided blades which display high cutting performance and excellent edge life. Resharpening the blades is not recommended due to the different hardening of the cutting edges. Thanks to the replacement blades, time-consuming resharpening is unnecessary. The soft plastic case provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. All peg shapers come with instructions for use and a hexagonal key for adjusting the blade.
Taper1/30 InstrumentViolin (small) Working length50 mm Passend furNo. 730501, 730511, 730524, 730531
Herdim Peg Shapers
Violin, Small
・・ 6 x 4.3 / 6.5 x 4.8 / 7 x 5.3 / 7.5 x 5.8 mm
Made in Germany
InstrumentViolin (small)
Working length50 mm
Passend furNo. 730501, 730511, 730524, 730531
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