最上質1809 Vermeer And Plato: Painting The Ideal フェルメール研究
Vermeer And Plato: Painting The Ideal フェルメール研究 Robert D. Huerta (著) ハードカバー: 148ページ 出版社: Bucknell Univ Pr (2005/09) 言語 英語 ISBN-: 0838756069 商品の寸法: 28 x 21 cm In a study that sweeps from Classical Antiquity to the seventeenth century, Robert D. Huerta explores the common intellectual threads that link the art of Johannes Vermeer to the philosophy of Plato. Examining the work of luminaries such as Plotinus, Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, Ficino, Raphael, Keller, Galileo, Descartes, and Hoydens, Huerta argues that the concurrence of idealism and naturalism in Vermeer's art reflects the Dutch master's assimilation of Platonic and classical ideals, concepts that were part of the Renaissance revival of classical thought. Pursuing a Platonic path, Vermeer used his paintings as a visual dialectic, as part of his program to create a physical instantiation of the Ideal. This book is illustrated. Robert D. Huerta is an independent historian, focusing on the intersection between art and science during the early modern period. _____________________________ コンディション:カバー等に多少のいたみ、経年並程度の状態です お支払い方法:かんたん決済、郵貯銀行、住信SBIネット銀行、三菱東京UFJ銀行、 ジャパンネットバンク、楽天銀行、新生銀行等取扱ございます。 コンディション欄に特記事項なき場合は本体以外の付属品はございません。 商品管理のため画像に付箋が映っている場合がございます。 新しいシステム移行のため、三菱東京UFJ銀行、ジャパンネットバンク、楽天銀行、新生銀行宛のお振込は現在停止しております。何卒ご理解のほどお願いいたします。
Robert D. Huerta (著)
ハードカバー: 148ページ
出版社: Bucknell Univ Pr (2005/09)
言語 英語
ISBN-: 0838756069
商品の寸法: 28 x 21 cm
In a study that sweeps from Classical Antiquity to the seventeenth century, Robert D. Huerta explores the common intellectual threads that link the art of Johannes Vermeer to the philosophy of Plato. Examining the work of luminaries such as Plotinus, Nicholas of Cusa, St. Augustine, Ficino, Raphael, Keller, Galileo, Descartes, and Hoydens, Huerta argues that the concurrence of idealism and naturalism in Vermeer's art reflects the Dutch master's assimilation of Platonic and classical ideals, concepts that were part of the Renaissance revival of classical thought. Pursuing a Platonic path, Vermeer used his paintings as a visual dialectic, as part of his program to create a physical instantiation of the Ideal. This book is illustrated. Robert D. Huerta is an independent historian, focusing on the intersection between art and science during the early modern period.