2024超人気SOURCE NATURALS社 MBP ボーン Renew 120カプセル|TLS STORE
MBP BONE RENEW is a natural protein complex contained in trace amounts in milk. MBP promotes healthy bone density by increasing the growth of bone-forming cells and by making bones more receptive to calcium. MBP has been shown in four double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trials to support healthy net bone formation in women of all ages after 6 months of use. MBP should be taken once daily. ●ご使用の目安 1 capsule daily. ●英語商品名 MBP Bone Renew 120 caps ●メーカー名 SOURCE NATURALS社 ●内容量 ●商品総重量 53.9g ●成分内容()mbp (ミルクプロテイン) 40mg、Do not consume this product if you are allergic to milk. This product contains only trace amounts of lactose, so it is typically not a concern for lactose-intolerant people. If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your health care professional before using this product. Other ingredients: maltodextrin, gelatin (capsule), silica, and magnesium stearate. 1) 広告文責 池田昭広 050-3593-7343 2) メーカー名 SOURCE NATURALS 3) 原産国 アメリカ合衆国 53) 商品区分 健康食品
●ご使用の目安 1 capsule daily.
●英語商品名 MBP Bone Renew 120 caps
●商品総重量 53.9g
●成分内容()mbp (ミルクプロテイン) 40mg、Do not consume this product if you are allergic to milk. This product contains only trace amounts of lactose, so it is typically not a concern for lactose-intolerant people. If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or breastfeeding, consult your health care professional before using this product. Other ingredients: maltodextrin, gelatin (capsule), silica, and magnesium stearate.
1) 広告文責 池田昭広 050-3593-7343
3) 原産国 アメリカ合衆国
53) 商品区分 健康食品
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