Vieux Château Certan 赤ワイン 750ml [AOC]ポムロール [評 価]91点 Tasted at BI Wine & Spirits' 10-Year On tasting, the 2007 Vieux Chateau Certan offers enticing aromas of black fruit, melted tar, mint, rooibos tea and undergrowth-complex and enticing, almost matching L'Eglise-Clinet in terms of sophistication. The palate is medium-bodied with sappy red berry fruit on the entry and white pepper and cloves on the mid-palate, while the Cabernet component lends structure and a sense of symmetry towards the finish, although it does fade in the glass, whereas the L'Eglise-Clinet "motor" on. This is just beginning to drink now but should last for another 8-10 years. Tasted February 2017. 231, The Wine Advocate(1st Jul 2017)
美術出版社 『BORDEAUX ボルドー 第4版』
Vieux Château Certan
赤ワイン 750ml
[評 価]91点
Tasted at BI Wine & Spirits' 10-Year On tasting, the 2007 Vieux Chateau Certan offers enticing aromas of black fruit, melted tar, mint, rooibos tea and undergrowth-complex and enticing, almost matching L'Eglise-Clinet in terms of sophistication. The palate is medium-bodied with sappy red berry fruit on the entry and white pepper and cloves on the mid-palate, while the Cabernet component lends structure and a sense of symmetry towards the finish, although it does fade in the glass, whereas the L'Eglise-Clinet "motor" on. This is just beginning to drink now but should last for another 8-10 years. Tasted February 2017.
231, The Wine Advocate(1st Jul 2017)
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