ピュリニー・モンラッシェ レ・コンベット Puligny Montrachet Les Combettes
パーカーポイント:(90-92)点 予想される飲み頃:NA
There are just two barrels of the 2012 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes. It is a little taciturn on the nose, despite coaxing, the abiding impression one of being a touch overwhelmed by the Clos la Garenne at this stage. The palate is well-balanced with a prickle of orange zest and quince on the opening. It has a gradual build in the mouth maintaining focus all the time, leading to a harmonious, lightly spiced finish that never ostentatious, but instead, quietly seductive. (210, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2013)
※限定3本[2018] [2018] Kistler Les Noisetiers Chardonnayキスラー レ・ノワゼッティエール シャルドネ|アサヒヤワインセラー
▶ ルイ・ジャド エシェゾー
▶ ルイ・ジャド シュヴァリエ モンラッシェ レ ドゥモワゼル
▶ ルイ・ジャド ボンヌ マール
▶ ルイ・ジャド そのほか
Louis Jadot
Puligny Montrachet Les Combettes
There are just two barrels of the 2012 Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru Les Combettes. It is a little taciturn on the nose, despite coaxing, the abiding impression one of being a touch overwhelmed by the Clos la Garenne at this stage. The palate is well-balanced with a prickle of orange zest and quince on the opening. It has a gradual build in the mouth maintaining focus all the time, leading to a harmonious, lightly spiced finish that never ostentatious, but instead, quietly seductive.
(210, The Wine Advocate 30th Dec 2013)
※限定3本[2018] [2018] Kistler Les Noisetiers Chardonnayキスラー レ・ノワゼッティエール シャルドネ|アサヒヤワインセラー
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