パーカーポイント: 92点 予想される飲み頃:2009 - 2021 Domaine De La Romanee-Conti's 2006 Echezeaux is significantly more perfumed and brighter than the corresponding Duvault-Blochet cuvee. Cherry, red raspberry, and grenadine in the nose are alluringly entwined with bittersweet, iris-like floral perfume and tinged with flattering, oak-enhanced nutmeg and vanilla. This displays the levity and textural refinement one comes to cherish in so many of the better wines of its vintage, and the persistent sense of florality perfectly suits the lift and vivacity of an invigoratingly lingering finish. At the same time, there is marrow-like meaty richness to add depth. The equilibrium here seems to me typically of 2006, too, but de Villaine also credits the equilibrium that the vines here ? now averaging 45 years of age ? have attained. There is more than enough tannin in place to match the wine's energy and to insure at least 10-12 years of delight, but this is much more immediately charming than the corresponding 2005. (186, The Wine Advocate 22nd Dec 2009)
予想される飲み頃:2009 - 2021
Domaine De La Romanee-Conti's 2006 Echezeaux is significantly more perfumed and brighter than the corresponding Duvault-Blochet cuvee. Cherry, red raspberry, and grenadine in the nose are alluringly entwined with bittersweet, iris-like floral perfume and tinged with flattering, oak-enhanced nutmeg and vanilla. This displays the levity and textural refinement one comes to cherish in so many of the better wines of its vintage, and the persistent sense of florality perfectly suits the lift and vivacity of an invigoratingly lingering finish. At the same time, there is marrow-like meaty richness to add depth. The equilibrium here seems to me typically of 2006, too, but de Villaine also credits the equilibrium that the vines here ? now averaging 45 years of age ? have attained. There is more than enough tannin in place to match the wine's energy and to insure at least 10-12 years of delight, but this is much more immediately charming than the corresponding 2005.
(186, The Wine Advocate 22nd Dec 2009)
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