The 2006 L’Ermita has a pure bouquet of lifted wild strawberry, raspberry and crushed stone aromas and crisp delineation. The palate is full-bodied with saturated tannins and incredibly pure, dark cherry and raspberry fruit laced with orange rind. The challenging growing season means that it does not possess the same harmony and weight on the finish as other vintages, although it demonstrates fine persistency. Drink now-2019. (200, The Wine Advocate, 26th Apr 2012)
Alvaro Palacios
予想される飲み頃:2012 - 2019
The 2006 L’Ermita has a pure bouquet of lifted wild strawberry, raspberry and crushed stone aromas and crisp delineation. The palate is full-bodied with saturated tannins and incredibly pure, dark cherry and raspberry fruit laced with orange rind. The challenging growing season means that it does not possess the same harmony and weight on the finish as other vintages, although it demonstrates fine persistency. Drink now-2019.
(200, The Wine Advocate, 26th Apr 2012)
ルーナ [2020] イル・ヴィニャイオーロ・ディ・トオル・オイカワIL VIGNAIOLO TORU LUNA|MARUYAMAYA
ジュヴレシャンベルタン オーエシェゾー ヴィエイユヴィーニュ ドメーヌフーリエ 2015 750ml 【中古】|ストックラボ
ガヤ バルバレスコ 2015 750ml【中古】|ストックラボ
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