人気絶頂Les Forts de Latour 1983 / レ フォール ド ラトゥール 1983|Fine and Rare
Les Forts de Latour 1983 / レ フォール ド ラトゥール 1983
Second label of Chateau Latour. The earliest traces of its history date back in 1331, during 'la guerre de Cent Ans', la 'Tour de Saint Maubert' was a stronghold guarding the estuary, as a result of successive heritages, Alexandre de S・・gur becomes the owner of the Ch・・teau Latour as well as a considerable number of Medocains Domains, he will be nicknamed the 'Prince of the Vines by Louis XV. Blend : Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot Wine Score : 94/100 75cl
Les Forts de Latour 1983 / レ フォール ド ラトゥール 1983
Second label of Chateau Latour.
The earliest traces of its history date back in 1331, during 'la guerre de Cent Ans', la 'Tour de Saint Maubert' was a stronghold guarding the estuary, as a result of successive heritages, Alexandre de S・・gur becomes the owner of the Ch・・teau Latour as well as a considerable number of Medocains Domains, he will be nicknamed the 'Prince of the Vines by Louis XV.
Blend : Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot
Wine Score : 94/100
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clos de la roche vieilles vignes ponsot 2006 / クロ ド ラ ロッシュ ヴィエイユ ヴィーニュ ポンソ 2006|Fine and Rare
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